Posted on January 29, 2020

Baking with the best: Clarissa Roque earns top recognition at WorldSkills



At 69ĚĂ (VCC), we’re extremely proud of our skilled trades competitors, whether they’re aiming for medals in regional, provincial, or national competitions. Every two years, however, the WorldSkills competition offers a chance for ultimate international recognition. 

After countless practice sessions and advancing through multiple levels of competition over the past two years, in August 2019, VCC baking and pastry arts apprentice Clarissa Roque found herself on the way to  in Kazan, Russia. 

The 37-hour journey included stops in Montreal, Frankfurt, and Moscow, before arriving in the riverside city of Kazan. Clarissa and the rest of Team Canada (including 69ĚĂ culinary arts competitor Leah Patitucci) spent the next few days settling in and sightseeing. Then, following an Olympic-like opening ceremony, the baking battle began. 

Gearing up 

Over four days, Clarissa was required to create hand-piped and hand-dipped chocolates, marzipan figurines, a two-tiered buttercream cake, petit fours, a plated dessert, and a sugar showpiece – all representing Formula One Grand Prix racing. 

When the theme was revealed only three months prior to the competition, it sent Clarissa and her instructors into creative action. “It was bizarre,” she says, “I didn’t even know what Formula One was!” Nonetheless, she got to work researching the rules, traditions, and symbols of this international car racing tournament. In the end, Clarissa’s creations included an ingenious “tire” cake, a buttercream winner’s wreath, sugar cars, and even a marzipan groundhog (Team Canada’s mascot) wearing a little racing uniform.


The stress test

Clarissa knows from experience that competitions never go exactly as planned, even on the international stage. In Kazan, a near-disaster came on the first day of competition when her induction stove stopped working. “I was doing sugar work,” she says. “It’s a good thing I noticed right away.” In the end, the stove replacement put her behind schedule by about an hour, but she stayed focused and, with only an extra 10 minutes granted, still completed on time.

“I always get nervous, no matter how many times I do something,” says Clarissa, “but I know now more of what to expect.” During practice sessions at 69ĚĂ, instructor Wolfgang Dauke‎ would bring up all kinds of scenarios – including equipment failures – to help Clarissa troubleshoot. 

Any chef will agree that unexpected situations crop up in kitchens and bakeries regularly. Thanks to her Skills experiences, Clarissa says she’s now prepared for nearly anything in her day-to-day work. “I feel like I can handle more crisis situations because of the competitions.”

World class

Clarissa’s personal goal was to finish in the top 50 per cent of WorldSkills competitors. In the end, she surpassed her own expectations by placing fifth out of 23 in the  category, and was also awarded a Medallion of Excellence for earning a total score above 700.

“The medallion meant a lot to me,” she says. “I’m happy with everything I made. I’m also very proud that I didn’t back out.”

At only 19, Clarissa has a world of opportunity ahead of her. Thanks to travelling and competing internationally, she’s started to dream of working abroad. For now, she’s enjoying her work in one of Burnaby’s finest chocolate and dessert shops, . 

At the end of a busy day crafting (and tasting) impeccable chocolates and sweets, however, even Canada’s most promising pastry artist needs a break. “Sometimes I just cannot look at any more chocolate,” she says. “I crave steak, fried chicken, anything salty and meaty – especially if it’s cooked by someone else!”


Help us congratulate Clarissa! Join VCC’s annual Flourish fundraising gala on Wednesday, Feb. 5 where she’ll be receiving an Outstanding Alumni Award in the “One to Watch” category. Tickets still available >



Learn more about 69ĚĂ's wide range of baking programs including Youth Train in Trades, specialized certificates in baking or pastry artsapprenticeship levels, and part-time courses